Leads the Way

This Changes Everything.

With our Leads the Way App, you no longer have to coordinate all your appointments or worry about finding new leads.

The Leads the Way App automates everything for you.

Let us bring customers to you today.

an animation of our leads the way app icon

Instant leads. Exclusive to you.

Receive instant leads the moment they are generated with the distance the lead is from you and only you.

John marker
John DoeFacebook Lead
Charlie marker
Charlie SmithTV Lead
Elaine marker
Elaine AllenYellow Pages Lead
Maria marker
Maria LopezSpanish TV Lead
a black slant for decorative purposes

Within seconds, we turn calls and television ads…

leads source - tv commercials, phone calls, and videos

Into available leads.

You are sent notifications almost instantly from the Leads the Way App.

two phones showing leads that are available through leads the way

It’s Your Choice

Field, phone, or both.

You select the states you’re licensed and appointed in, as well as how you’d like to sell the product— visit their home in the field, speak with them over the phone, or both.

You can also opt to have an email sent to the customer with your picture, letting them know that you will be the agent helping them.

inbound lead showing on a phone

Your life.
Your schedule.

Work when you want to work. You have freedom and flexibility. Don’t miss out on spending time with your family and friends ever again.

It’s your life—plan accordingly.

a calendar to show that you can create your own schedule with senior life

Freedom. Flexibility. Fun.

What’s next?

Learn how to submit your business to the Home Office in 15 minutes or less with our SLICE App.